Sometimes a tree must be removed because it is dying, dead, or has become a hazard. Safe, effective tree removal is an art form, often requiring our crew to work around buildings, landscaping, power lines, or roadways. For this reason, it is very important that you hire professionals with the knowledge and experience that you can trust.

Urban Tree Service’s ISA Certified Arborists will come to your location and develop a removal plan that is best for you and your situation. Our experienced, fully insured crews can accomplish even the most difficult tree removals by using the most advanced equipment and techniques in the area.

We are also TCIA Accredited, which means that conform to the highest standards of ethics, quality, and consumer confidence each and every time.

All of this means that if you require tree removal in New Hampshire, Maine or eastern Massachusetts, you can trust Urban Tree Service to provide the utmost in professionalism, safety and customer satisfaction.

Commonly Asked Questions

Q: How can you tell if a sick tree can be saved?
A: The first step in determining if a sick tree can be saved is knowing what is causing that tree to be sick. Using our training and experience we can then determine the likelihood that the tree can be saved. We cannot guarantee that a tree can be saved but we can promise you that your tree will receive the most up-to-date care that is available.